History circle shines light on community's early years

Buddy MacEwen, joined by moderator Joyce Phillips, regaled attendees at Stanley Bridge’s first ever history circle earlier today at the New London Community Complex. Buddy and others shared stories about two room schools and long walks to class every day, digging potatoes by hand, growing up in homes without running water and electricity, eating lobster sandwiches for lunch (and trading them whenever possible for more valuable peanut butter sandwiches), travelling vast distances across the Island in winter on horsedrawn sleighs and playing competitive hockey for the “Stanley Cup.” When Buddy was growing up Stanley Bridge boasted thriving shoemakers and blacksmith businesses as well as three general stores, a butter and cheese operation and a veterinarian. More history circles are planned in the months ahead featuring other guest speakers sharing their memories of the community’s early history. One event alone might focus on the story behind the discovery of the world-famous Marco Polo, which ran aground off Cavendish.018 019